Friday, May 18, 2007

The Queen Mary

Well, I thought I would share some charming pics with you - from on board my hotel.

The second picture disturbed me. I thought I would share it - Now whilst progressive , I'm no communist - but i thought this was a bit harsh - Is the cold war still going???????

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Amina Waters said...

so you still haven't answered the question....did you go on the anti-communist tour?

Anonymous said...

Herro - just back from my tour of duty.

The horror, the horror.

We'll have an Australian wedding when you get back!

And you so are a communist... like all good ALP hacks you just hide it. I left a wreath with Uncle Ho at his mausoleum on your behalf.

Coaster2007 said...

no amina - as i dont like confined spaces... all the tour was of was a submarine..

Paul LM said...

Counting the weeks matey till Madrid... only 3 weeks to go now!

All sorted for the Saturday night - check out:

Will drop you an email about the event at Space on the Sunday afternoon/evening - not sure if you want a ticket for that too.
