Saturday, May 26, 2007

Met some cool people too at Renata's Birthday

Thanks to my mate Jason - I got to meet both some great locals in San Fran(who have really looked after me well this week) as well as some visitors from Palm Springs all in town for Renata's Birthhday (she is in the black and white dress). Ill expand on this later - but really wanted to post some pics :-)

The night culminated in some fantastic renditions of sing a longs from the Sound of Music ( people could actually sing - i was very envious) - Mitzi would be proud.

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Adam & Jason said...

I do love that place and I LOVE those people. Im glad you are having a ball in S.F. Seeing those pic's of all my friends makes me a little home sick for there, my home away from home. Happy Birthday Renata.

JJ x

Anonymous said...

Quote "people could actually sing"

And just what are you suggesting about your Australian experiences with singing here Daniel?

Coaster2007 said...

He He He - i suppose yes Singstar does count ... ??